Thursday, March 25, 2010

Easter Cometh

The chocoholic's favourite time of year is fast approaching.
My nephew who's a philosopher-in-training, reckons we should just get over the whole religious thing and recognise it for what it is: Chocolate Weekend.

Last week I was at a seminar where the presenter said "What does YOUR Easter Bunny look like?" When we looked a little confused, she clarified: "Is it a small furry Easter Bunny or a large man in a rabbit suit? Everyone's Easter Bunny is different isn't it?"

Well duh, my Easter Bunny is chocolate. With maybe the ears missing. But the foil carefully rewrapped to try to hide the fact.

And the man in the rabbit suit is just creepy anyway.

But back to my point about Easter: at the last count 19% of Australians specified that they were non-religious and that's up from the previous census. If you then look at all the people who specify a religion but haven't been near a church since baptism, I'm sure it would be a lot higher.

But if you asked how many people believe in chocolate....

I rest my case.


  1. Oh... I do believe in chocolate, I do! I DO! And my easter bunny is a 'sideways' bunny (chocolate, naturally). I refuse to entertain the notion of those ridiculous, 'frontways', vertical chocolate bunnies. They just aren't Kosher.

  2. I'm with the Aztecs! Bring on Easter Bunny.
    Great blog - bet you had a few ears while you were writing...

  3. You're hilarious!! Awesome idea for a blog. I shall read it with joy and some peanut m&m's. And I think you should get into dark chocolate. You have a responsibility to your chocoblog to get into it. Because it is utterly divine!!


  4. I'm a convert to the dark now - since it's so good for us!

  5. Non-kosher Easter bunny?! Is it the chocolateness or the Easter-ness or the bunny-ness that makes it non-Kosher?

    I'm not sure I can cope with a blog that keeps bringing chocolate to my attention; I have enough difficulty restraining myself as it is! Happy blogging, nevertheless!
