Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Grumpy over grammar

Me: "A flat white coffee, please"
Coffee Person: "Any sugars with that?"
Me: "If I'd wanted sugar I would have asked for sugar (singular)."

Check out Person: "Did you want a bag?"
Me: "Well I did, but now I don't."

Serving Person: "Is that all today?"
Me: "I don't know. I may come back this afternoon."


  1. How many blank looks did these exchanges result in?

  2. Next you'll be shouting at the radio like me and correcting the punctuation on shop signs and menus. If I hear one more 'less' when it should be 'fewer' I'll explode!

  3. Elise, of course I only say these things in my head (but very loudly!)
    And Linda, you know I already shout at the radio, TV, newspaper and carry a bottle of white-out for shop signs.
    Mary, don't mind me, I'm just a grumpy old woman!

  4. Someone (being very polite): Can I ask you something?
    Me (in uber-pedant mode): In addition to the question you've just asked?
